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Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sheds and Signs

 Ah blogs. They are really easy to update...like this one which took me about 5 months to update to the right time line...Yeah. Here are some of my fave photos from the trip. A lot of sheds. And cool stuff.

"ok QUICK" Tor says, "The timer is set, I just don't know how long for..."
I like the feel of rust...on my meat pulp fingers.

self portrait 3am Henningsvaer

Out in the middle of Norway.

The open road...into the side of a mountain...They gots serious tunnels here.
Henningsvaer radio tower..2am


home made lock

deck pattern

for the crew. you know who

dream capsule

care worn

chain reaction

wale vertibrae

blood hose
We traveled far to catch the midnight sun....and it was tiny.

Next...moar about actual people as opposed to objects.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Å" ::::Pronounced::: "Oh Ahhhh"

I actually had a bit of a time finding a Welcome to "Å" sign...but this works. This is the town at the end of the road. "Å" in Norwegian is the action to do something...literally "to" : like "To" run, "to" jump, "to" play,  "to" start a black metal band.

Fjord ish ness ism

These are 'floats'...for traps and such....Ironically 'Fløte' means 'creme' in Norwegian.
I like both. I also like how grainy this photo is. It makes the happy in me.

dusk water at Henningsvaar.
non "haunted" but really should be ...."house"

fish heads fish heads roley poley fish heads

artsy fartsy Å

They dry fish on big racks here. And it's tastey.

Random Monk I met while wandering the streets. He was kind enough to pose for me. He looks corruptible....

mmmmmmmm   Rust
I love the roofs here...love them......ahhhh so cool.
Traditional grass roof.
Random wooden poles
TV stuff in the puddle
Braided rope. Deserted dock on a Sunday
Brine drum.
Idol Net..

Curious residents

Dusk in Å.

There: Årtsy fartsy.....Soon I will give you sheds.