So the drive from Nelson to Calgary was pretty much gooder.
Initially, my friend Chris was going to drive us there in his big ol' one ton with the camper on top. We got up extra early, got coffee's at Oso, and headed out with the anticipation of the first day of school. We began the way chatting about fishing, grizzly bears, and camping. Somewhere between Ymir and Salmo, the engine started to act much like a mixture between an off balance washing machine and an angry bronco.
It did this for about 5 seconds, and the experience was unpleasant. I joked and said it was the edge of the Kootenay vortex and is always a bit tricky to jump out of.(Just ask the wizards at the wizard stand. No seriously, they will go on and on about some giant crystal under the city of Nelson or whatever yawn...)
The truck was ok for another few kms until we reached Salmo, where it promptly lost power and we called a tow truck.
While we waited for the tow truck to arrive we stopped at Chris's brother-in-laws house (which coincidentally was right down the road),where I got to spend time with Yoshi (his wife). She is Japanese, and she does paintings with paper. They are quite excellent. She's going to have a show in Nelson BC in "Art Walk". Go check it out!
The tow truck guy came and got us, and we drove back into town while he regaled us with stories of UFC champions past. I can't remember his name, maybe "Corey"? super nice, I like his tattoos.
Ok so, we get back to town, get the other vehicle, repacked our stuff, and then roared out of town at a sickeningly early 2pm...grrrrr.(insert sarcasm where applicable).
Then we did the drive through Radium into Kootenay Provincial Park. Twas brillig!
I didn't take any photo's of that on account of having a SHITE camera* (this will be my standby excuse for many things), but seriously? I was super tired and was kind of nappy...also kind of a basket case coming to terms with all of the events of the past few months culminating in me leaving Canada....FOR-SHADOWING FOR-SHADOWING.
So as we hit the BC/Alberta Border...I was pretty much letting go of a lot of mental shit. I think it was a good idea. I think letting go is often a good idea...with some exceptions like when your on a cliff edge without a rope and or squirrel suit...
...depending of course on your intentions dear reader..which I respect...I mean I would totally do the squirrel suit thing if I had someone to teach me how to aim at the ground and miss.
Anyway blah blah blah.
She took me to where she works which a super neato building with a big phallic tower poking out of it. I'm not familiar with Calgary, so I don't know what it is. Fun times!

It was kind of a strange towery thingy...which looks like this. I think it may have been left there by alien relic...

Also: after Rosie was done work we were walking back to her place when we saw this evil Magpie chowing down on what appeared to be one of his brethren. I had no idea the level of cannibalistic carnage exhibited in beautiful downtown Calgary!
Sadly, the details of the photo are shit...simply because my stated previously is shit. But I couldn't look away. It was at once tragic, and rad.
We also went to a super fun art store Called Moaning Lisa's with super fun people that told us to leave as soon as we entered, which at first was awkward until I found out Rosie was a friend of theirs...otherwise I would have pee'd myselfdue to the awkwardness....(actually I did, but I didn't say anything).
We saw some ducks in a park that were all shagged out from a spring tapping session, and were too tired to care if we were gonna eat them, or even if other ducks*(see about Magpie story) were gonna eat them.
They just didn't I took a picture cause they were so gangsta.

Also there's this horse sculpture that I never took a photo of the last million times I've been to Calgary because I am always driving by it like a dumb douche, when really I just wanted a picture of the thing with it's intricate garbage...I like it so shut up.
Next:::: The airport
I see your eating... well ...balanced. Way to catapult out of Nelson Vortex! Are you certain you want to?
fuck off of course she does. it's NELSON! GO PAISLEY! RAAAHHHAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! (waving buckfast ferociously)
You can't see it in the photo because she obviously cant take pictures AND hold her plates, but she most likely had the steak plate weighed out the same as the cheese and wine so that should she want to, she could put the steak in one hand and the wine and cheese in the other and it would all balance out. She is insightful like that. She knows what she's doing. Weeeellll... she did, till she went and put that damned fried penis in her mouth. Dumbass...
Where's the next story?
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