So Amber and I went camping....Super rad times..It was very nice to get away from the hullabaloo mayhem of Paisley for a I almost typed Palsy...weird.ok..

We had large packs with us and set out on the bus which made for antics with gravity.......making the elderly nervous.
.So we went to this place called
Aberfoyle, which, just by coincidence is the something er other of Sir John A MacDonald
. We took a 26 mile trek up into the hills and didn't see another human for a whole 24 hours. Awesome. We did however, see sheep....

Here is a neato house I saw along the way whilst I was sitting on the bus and trying not to notice an old man ogling my legs.... I spoze I could have gotten cross or slapped him suddenly, but he prolly would have died of a heart attack which would have put a bit of a damper on the day...Look...a pretty house...That's what you get for wearing shorts young lady....Allah be merciful!
change subject...aka:"A.D.D. segway"

So we got's off da bus and started walkin'
And walkin'
These are my new shoes. Shayne (studio buddy and brother from another mother) recommended them as 'the' shoe for the wandering soul...They are most comfy...and Canadian.....NO BLISTERS....ever. If you worship your feet as I do...get good shoes...even if it's just the one pair you me. Keen...gooder. √√√√√√
So we hiked for a good chunk of the afternoon...being silly and running about in the hills.

...and then we climbed up a big hill and almost up to the top even!...and there was this little cut block. Next to the cut block was a lovely little ravine thingy.
We set up camp with the plan of running about madly on the peak at sunset....even if I do dislike sunsets furiously.

Amber demonstrating the importance of keeping plaid on hand in the Highlands to keep your lowlands clean and dry. It's all about the details and essentials you see....

Amber getting herself ready for a slow cooking on the fire. We want her skin crispy and savory...not any baked tater, you want the middle cooked but not over cooked....just kidding....this our camping fetish wear..."Oh what do those girls NOT get up to?!!"...slaps stick! Mad cap!
ok this joke has been milked....slike kicking a 5 day dead horse.
We's eating our camp fire cooked num nums Including massive amounts of midge corpses...mmmmmmm protein! So delectable...mmmmmmmmm
"Camping money shot"
Sun set....great...

Breakfast fire...My fave...
Here's where you stand in Great Britain if you have to fart...NO WHERE ELSE....just here...don't make a scene.
Terribly sorry but could you just do what your fucking told.
Sheep: They're everywhere.
Oh sure...they may LOOK cute...but they are a bucolic pestilence. Can you feel the gangsta just drippin' of this one? Such irreverence.
What could it mean?
I like the blue and orange...mmmmm
Part of the west Highland way.
Amber and I got to a small town called Killern, where we met some kind locals who took pity on us and gave us massive VATS of cider.

So after getting mildly shitfaced we clambered onto a bus bound for Glasgow. Upon our arrival, we scurried through the streets headed for the train home to Paisley...during this mad dash, we encountered an amazingly tall tourist, whom, with our short legs we could barely keep up to in order to do stealth stalker photos (as is our mutual hobby), sadly, this is the only surviving pic of "Gigantor"...
We got's home, put our feet up, and patted each other on the back for a mission accomplished...
Next...Something...Something murmur...
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