Imagine living in a small town, where you know a whole mess of people. Good people, that you know a lot about, who feel like family. Then, imagine you have a dream so vivid as to take you away from such a secure comfort zone. Powerful enough to change your reality. Like something is calling you...from a long way away.
Step into that reality for a second:
My journey started where a lot of things start for me, Dreams.
I had a very vivid one which led me to my decision to go to Europe. I dreamed of a building, large old and stone, surrounded in fog so thick, I could not see landmarks other than the building itself. There was a group of people standing close to me, and they were all talking in another language, but for dream reasons, I could understand them. I asked, "what is this place", and one of them, a woman, answered. "This a night club, a gallery, and is our studios, and your studio; we make art, music, and plays here together".
We walked around the outside of the building. The architecture was strange to me. I touched the walls. I asked to see the inside, "Of course", the woman answered. The group led me around, each person explaining his or her space, what they were doing, and various aspects of their experience of the place. Then we came to a room that had a number of projects, and things were organized in a somewhat familiar way. "What is this", I asked. The same woman answered "This is your studio". We looked at the different projects my future self was working on. It looked reasonable..
We wandered through the building some more. I saw various switches and dials on the walls at unusual angles and levels. "What are those" I asked. The same lady answered me in her strange accent, "Those are left over from the original purpose for this building. They were interesting to look at so we kept them". "What was this building?", I asked. "A power plant", she replied.
We went back outside again. I asked where we were, and the same woman again replied, "We cannot tell you, it's not time yet. You will know when you see it."
"How will I find you?" I asked.
"You won't find us", she said, "Some of us will find you at the right time". The dream faded.....
..... I awoke.
At the time, I was living in a house in Nelson BC, with a bunch of pals. Dallas, Matt, Rho, Chris and Kuba. "Kuba" was visiting from Poland. I told him of the dream, and drew a picture of the building. "Have you seen something like this before?", I asked. "Sure", he said, "That kind of thing is everywhere in Europe, could be anywhere".
At that moment, thousands of kilometers away, my friend Tor (friend from Norway as previously mentioned) was in Berlin with our mutual pal Espen...snapping photos, which he would send me several days later...
Speed ahead 3 days: We are sitting on the porch of my pal Raph, just outside of Nelson BC, We are sitting together and I have my computer on because I am teling him that I would like to go see Berlin, and he is in the middle of telling me he has an artist friend there he would like me to meet. He has a portrait on his wall by this very chap. We are chatting away. I tell him about the dream, his face gets a weird he's been hit in the head. He tells me "Kelly, you are describing the place where my friend has a studio". I say "nah, no way. How is that possible".
He is looking at me with the most incredulous expression. "Seriously", he says, "look on the website". So we go to his website and it shows some work that is pretty unusual. Stuff I would remember.
" I don't know", I said, "Maybe it's a coincidence", I say. Just then I see Tor's message come in on my gmail, and it's pictures from Berlin. ..

We look at them together, with mouths hanging open, for not only has he taken photos of Raphs friends work, but he's photographed them in a specific building, with switches and dials on the walls...EXACTLY as they had appeared in my dream. Raph and I stare at eachother for a second.
"How...?" I say.
"I guess your going to Berlin", he says.
"Hmm", I say, "what the heck, why not?"
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