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Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Å" ::::Pronounced::: "Oh Ahhhh"

I actually had a bit of a time finding a Welcome to "Å" sign...but this works. This is the town at the end of the road. "Å" in Norwegian is the action to do something...literally "to" : like "To" run, "to" jump, "to" play,  "to" start a black metal band.

Fjord ish ness ism

These are 'floats'...for traps and such....Ironically 'Fløte' means 'creme' in Norwegian.
I like both. I also like how grainy this photo is. It makes the happy in me.

dusk water at Henningsvaar.
non "haunted" but really should be ...."house"

fish heads fish heads roley poley fish heads

artsy fartsy Å

They dry fish on big racks here. And it's tastey.

Random Monk I met while wandering the streets. He was kind enough to pose for me. He looks corruptible....

mmmmmmmm   Rust
I love the roofs here...love them......ahhhh so cool.
Traditional grass roof.
Random wooden poles
TV stuff in the puddle
Braided rope. Deserted dock on a Sunday
Brine drum.
Idol Net..

Curious residents

Dusk in Å.

There: Årtsy fartsy.....Soon I will give you sheds.

Lofoten 3: Revenge of the Revenge of the Fjords.

Here are some MOAR pics of our grand adventure. We saw cool shit here.
Tor and I on electric bikes...Touring.... 
Yup, that's right...Electric Bikes

Stuff we ate:

We ate "Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen...Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen...and Rudolf....Santa will be travelling by "Electric bike" this year.

I also ate:


Stay tuned for..... "Å"

Lofoten 2...Revenge of the Fjordz. (Sjørøverskatt)

Ok...so not anything sinister...Just the good stuff. Here are a few more pics of awesomeness. Savor the epic nature of what is happening in a hood no where near you.


yes....the sickness

yes again

yes...it's a troll under a bridge shooting heroin.

and yes

Norway: More than just a fine exporter of fish.

Lofoton Norway...BIKE TRIP!

So my friend Tor took me on a tour of the norther part of Norway. A "Tor Tour".
 It was AMAZING!  AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!! Lofoten is da shit yo!

This is me leaping around on rocks near the sea at Stokmarknes...at 12am..yes...that's right..midnight. This was me farting around under the midnight sun. What fun! I love the quality of light there.
Telling tales of ships and sails....YAR!!!

 Ok. So it was super nifty. colour and light and light and colour...and for a paint person like me it felt good on the eyes.
Now I am going back to the drawing board about colour.

This is what colour the water is...yes. Eat my wake.
This is a nifty old shed I found. I am now an avid collector of sheds.
Nifty old sheds are an important part of Northern life. Whether your tying up your pesky neigherbor, holding an innocent virgin hostage, or just storing your hunting and fishing gear...old creepy sheds are a "Must have" in any Norwegians collection.

This was taken with my super shite camera, so this should give you a very 'clear' idea of what the light was like up there....AMAZING. The kind of place where it was very difficult to fuck up a photo. Much like the people, Norway is very photogenic.

Also: the fact that everything is built on stilts in the water...made me happy.

Out on a lonely road, the wind whistles through my gallery. Vik.

So: there is this place out in the middle of Norway...nowhere...norway...hmmm interesting.

It's a cold sound. The wind rips across it like a black metal song. The sun shines without bringing warmth. My hands are leathery frozen bits of chapped meat taking photos. It's a good time.
We find this old burnt out blasted Winnibago and I decide that it would be wise to stop and photo. I think I would like to go back and tag it. It was super duper. I am enjoying. I am also enjoying my constant changing of context.

This was the first bit of flat land we had seen in some time. Best to savor it. (First view of Vik.)

The curtain flapped about like mad as the wind whipped through it. It brought to mind Tibetan plains and prayer flags spreading their good will...only this case it was a 70's Winnabago prayer for Orangeness and Burnt Umber...And in the distance a lone mountain...at the base of which was the first destination of our quest. Vik.

At the foot of that lone mountain is a wee yellow house with cracked plaster and funkyness, and a rusty tin roof. ...and someone with the good sense and a spray can did this to it! Artgazm.

Gallery in the middle of the wilderness. Works for me on many levels. Who needs a grant and hoop jumping?

I am in my happy place. 
Shortly after this picture was taken I took a piss on the corner of the building. Well...I had to go, and I wanted to add my bit of graffiti as well. So...multi-purpose.

We found some more.....and crazy things began to happen....